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CLI cookbook: adding a replication spec

This topic describes how to use the command-line interface to add a replication specification to the Delphix Engine.

Unlike the GUI, the CLI supports the ability to manage multiple replication specifications within a single system. This allows updates to be sent to multiple systems from a single point.


You should review the topic Replication Overview to understand which objects are copied as part of a backup or restore operation, as well as the dependencies between objects.


  1. Switch to the replication spec context.

    delphix> cd replication/spec
    delphix replication spec> ls
  2. Create a new replication spec.

    delphix replication spec> create
    delphix replication spec create *> ls
        type: ReplicationSpec
        name: (unset)
        bandwidthLimit: (unset)
        enabled: (unset)
        encrypted: (unset)
        objects: (required)
        schedule: (unset)
            type: PasswordCredential
            password: (required)
        targetHost: (required)
        targetPrincipal: (required)
  3. Specify the target hostname, user, and credentials.

    delphix replication spec create *> set
    delphix replication spec create *> set targetPrincipal=delphix_admin
    delphix replication spec create *> set targetCredential.password=password

    SDD Secure replication
    To create a Selective Data Distribution (SDD) type spec set the objectSpecification.type

    delphix replication spec create *> set objectSpecification.type=ReplicationSecureList

    This parameter defaults to ReplicationList which implies a regular replication spec.

    Target Principal
    The target principal must be a Delphix user on the target host who has domain privileges.

  4. Specify the set of objects to replicate.

    1. To replicate all dSources and VDBs on the system, specify `DOMAIN as the list of objects.

      delphix replication spec create *> set objectSpecification.objects=`DOMAIN
    2. To replicate a subset of Groups, VDBs, dSources, and Timeflows specify their names as a comma-separated list.

      delphix replication spec create *> set objectSpecification.objects=Group1/vdb1,Group2/vdb2

      Name Completion
      The CLI will provide possible completions for all objects in the system, but only groups, dSources and VDBs can be specified. Attempts to replicate other types of objects will generate an error when the operation is committed.

      SSD Secure replication
      If objectSpecification.type=ReplicationSecureList was selected, then objectSpecification.containers needs to be used instead of objectSpecification.objects. The containers have to be Masked VDBs

  5. Commit the operation.

    delphix replication spec create *> commit
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