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CLI cookbook: export a multitenant virtual pluggable Oracle database to ASM

This topic describes how to perform an export or an in-place conversion of a multitenant virtual pluggable database (vPDB) to a multitenant physical Oracle pluggable database (PDB) using the Delphix Engine Command-line Interface (CLI). This procedure will work irrespective of the vPDB being a single instance configuration or RAC.


You must have the following configuration before you start the export:

  • Target ASM data diskgroup, or the diskgroup that will contain all the database files

  • The vPDB that needs to be exported to ASM.

  • Optionally, the pluggable database name for the resulting physical pluggable database and the number of RMAN channels.

If the vPDB is being renamed during the export, confirm there is no other PDB with the same name in the target CDB before starting the below procedure. If a PDB with the same name exists in the target CDB, the export operation will fail before starting the actual movement of datafiles.


  1. Execute the database export command.

    delphix> database export
  2. Set the database export parameters type, transfer strategy type, storage strategy type, default target data diskgroup, and virtual source.

    delphix database export *> set type=OraclePDBExportParameters
    delphix database export *> set storageStrategy.type=OracleExportASMStorageStrategy
    delphix database export *> set storageStrategy.asmLayout.defaultDataDiskgroup=+DATA
    delphix database export *> set transferStrategy.type=OracleExportPDBInPlaceTransferStrategy
    delphix database export *> set transferStrategy.virtualSource=v2p_pdb

The above values are just examples. Replace the default data diskgroup and virtual source name to match your needs.

  1. Optionally set the following parameters:

    1. pluggable database name for the resulting physical pluggable database.

      1. If a pluggable database name is specified, the target CDB should not have a PDB with the same name, otherwise the export will fail.

      2. If no pluggable database name is specified, the default is the current name of the pluggable database. 

    2. Number of RMAN channels. Default value for the RMAN channels is 8.

      delphix database export *> set transferStrategy.pdbName=v2asm_pdb
      delphix database export *> set transferStrategy.rmanChannels=10

The above values are just examples. Replace the redo diskgroup, database unique name and number of RMAN channels to match your needs.

  1. Commit the configuration to execute the job.

    delphix database export *> commit

The export operation takes a snapshot of the vPDB before proceeding with the export. After a successful export operation, the original vPDB will be left in a DISABLED state. If the vPDB needs to be re-enabled, the vPDB needs to be migrated to a different host and/or CDB. Ensure there is no PDB with the same name as the vPDB on the target CDB. Subsequently, you must rewind the vPDB to the latest snapshot, after which the vPDB will be back up and running. Since the export operation takes a snapshot before the actual export, the rewind can be performed to the point just before export started.

Refer to the Export an Oracle VDB or a vPDB to a Physical ASM or Exadata Database page for additional considerations after a successful export.

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