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Deployment for Google cloud platform


This article covers the virtual machine requirements, including memory and data storage, for the deployment of the Delphix Engine on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Once the requirements listed on this page are reviewed, refer to the next articles on GCP deployment:

Machine types

The following is a list of instance types that are supported to deploy Delphix on GCP. Delphix periodically certifies new instance types, which will be added to the list here.



  • N2 standard

  • N2 high-mem

  • The Delphix Engine most closely resembles a storage appliance and performs best when provisioned using a storage-optimized instance type.

  • Larger instance types provide more CPU, which can prevent resource shortfalls under high I/O throughput conditions.

  • Larger instances also provide more memory, which the Delphix Engine uses to cache database blocks. More memory will provide better read performance.

  • Recommended minimum size of 8 vCPU and 64G memory.

Network configuration



Virtual private cloud

The Delphix Engine and all of the source and target environments must be deployed in a VPC network to ensure that private IP addresses are static and do not change when restarting instances.

When adding environments to the Delphix Engine, use the host's VPC (static private) IP addresses.

Static public IP

The GCP Delphix instance must be launched with a static IP address; however, the default behavior for VPC instances is to launch with a dynamic public IP address – which can change whenever the instance restarts. If using a public IP address for the Delphix Engine, static IP addresses can be assigned using the Google cloud documentation

Security group configuration

The default security group will only open port 22 for SSH access. The security group must be modified to allow access to all of the networking ports used by the Delphix Engine and the various source and target engines. 

See Network performance configuration options for information about network performance tuning.

See General network and connectivity requirements for information about specific port configurations.

Storage configuration



General storage configuration

Allocate initial storage equal to the size of the physical source database storage. For high redo rates and/or high DB change rates, allocate an additional 10-20 %.

Add storage when storage capacity approaches 30% free.

Delphix recommends using a minimum of four equally sized storage disks to run the Delphix Engine. This allows the Delphix File System (DxFS) to assure its file systems are always consistent on disk without additional serialization. This also enables the Delphix Engine to achieve higher I/O rates by queueing more I/O operations to its storage.

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