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Environment attributes for hosts with PostgreSQL

This topic describes the attributes of PostgreSQL environments. Below you will see a section for common environment attributes shared by all types of environments as well as Postgres specific ones.


  1. Login to the Delphix Management application.

  2. Click Manage.

  3. Select Environments.

  4. In the Environments panel, click the name of an environment to view its attributes.

  5. Next to Attributes, click the Pencil icon to edit an attribute.

Common environment attributes



Environment Users

The users for that environment. These are the users who have permission to ssh into an environment or access the environment through the Delphix Connector. For more information on the environment user requirements, see the Requirements topics for specific data platforms.

Host Address

The IP address of the environment host.

DSP KeyStore Path

The path to the user-managed DSP Keystore.

DSP KeyStore Alias

The lowercase alias to use inside the user-managed DSP Keystore.

DSP KeyStore Password

The password for the user-managed DSP Keystore.

DSP TrustStore Path

The path to the user managed DSP truststore.

DSP TrustStore Password

The password for the user managed DSP truststore.


The name of the host operating system.


The version of the host operating system.


The release of the host operating system.

Time Zone

The timezone of the host operating system.

Total RAM

The amount of RAM on the host machine.

Processor Type

The processor type of the host machine.


Traceroute info from target host to Delphix Engine.


Any other information you want to add about the environment.

Java Development Kit

The currently selected JDK kit will be shown.

Java Development Kit (JDK) Path

Location of the Java Development Kit (JDK) used for the host. Only specified if the feature to provide your own JDK is enabled, otherwise, the defaults are used per our Java support matrix.

PostgreSQL environment attributes

There are no postgres-specific environment attributes.

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