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New features (EBS)

Release 4.2.2

This plugin release consists of only bug fixes.

Release 4.2.1

This plugin release consists of only bug fixes.

Release 4.2.0

This plugin release has the following set of new features.

  • EBS database port customization
    This feature supports the provisioning of VDBs in EBS dbTechStack & AppsTier plugins to run on a customized port. Using this feature you can provision database binaries(ORACLE_HOME) cloning and listener process to run on a custom DB port and Application tier to connect to that port. The EBS Database Port Customization provide flexibility to choose the desired port for running the Delphix-created VDBs & listeners. 

This feature is supported only in Oracle 19c Database.

Release 4.1.0

The EBS Plugin version 4.1.0 introduces the hooks utility feature and also addresses the handling of an additional prompt for ISG Datasource password during AppsTier provisioning operation for adcfgclone execution.

  • Hooks utility feature
    This feature provides flexibility to end-users where they can provide a command with configure/pre-snapshot as an option in configuring and pre-snapshot hooks during DB provisioning. This is a huge improvement in terms of user experience in comparison to the conventional approach where end-users had to add entire content (by copying it from the user documentation) into the various hooks. The hooks utility also manages the logs for hooks execution; it'll be helpful in scenarios where end users want to track the hook execution. We have not removed or restricted the existing approach of providing hooks content from user documentation, the hooks utility can be used as an alternative to the existing approach.

Release 4.0.2

This plugin release consists of only bug fixes.

Release 3.0.3

This plugin release consists of only bug fixes.

Release 3.0.2

This is a patch release that aims to provide the following updates to EBS 12.2 plugin.

  • Updated Hooks for 19c MT low and high privileged users.

  • Fixed an issue where 19c DBTechStack provision fails during adcfgclone with java exception.

Release 3.0.1

This is a patch release that aims to provide the following updates to EBS 12.2 plugin.

  • Added support for RHEL 8.3

  • Updated Hooks for 19c MT low and high privileged users.

Release 3.0.0

EBS Plugin version 3.0.0 aims to support Oracle 19c MT architecture. Moreover, a new field has been added on the provisioning UI. This will provide the flexibility to the end-user to provide the maximum time allowed to virtualize the application tier.

Release 2.0.1

EBS Plugin version 2.0.1 aims to successfully stop application services while provisioning or refresh operation. Hence, creating successful snapshots.

Release 2.0.0

EBS Plugin version 2.0.0 aims to implement Sudo Privileges feature for both EBS 12.2 Database Tier and Application Tier.

Release 1.8.4

EBS Plugin version 1.8.4 aims to implement Weblogic password complexity validation as per the Oracle standards.

Release 1.8.3

EBS Plugin version 1.8.3 introduces a new feature while refreshing EBS appsTier where a Pre Refresh hook will help in aborting concurrent manager services and reduce the time taken to gracefully stop the EBS application.. The password required to execute the same will be pulled from a text file present on the target appsTier host which will be created automatically during appsTier provisioning.

Release 1.8.2

EBS Plugin version 1.8.2 introduces a new feature where the user will not need to specify the source apps schema password in EBS DB hooks provision wizard. This password can now be pulled from a text file present on the target DB host which will be created automatically during DBTechStack provisioning.

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