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Couchbase host environment requirements

 Staging/target host requirements


Host compatibility check

The operating system and architecture of the target host must match the source environment. 

It is required that the source and the target environments should have identical OS and hardware configurations.

There must be a directory on the staging/target host where the Couchbase Connector support files can be installed (for example, /var/tmp) with the following properties:

  1. The directory must be writable by the operating system user mentioned above.

  2. The directory must have at least 1.5 GB of available storage.

This path is called the “Toolkit Path” in the Environment creation UI page.

CouchbaseDB installation and compatibility check

There must be an installation of CouchbaseDB on the staging/target host that is compatible with the installation of CouchbaseDB on the source host.

The CouchbaseDB binary version on the staging/target must be identical to the source side.

There must be a mount point directory (for example, /mnt) that will be used as the base for mount points that are created when provisioning a VDB with the following properties:

  1. The mount point directory must be writable by the operating system user mentioned above.

  2. The mount point directory should be empty.

Hostname and IP must be correctly set in /etc/hosts file.

The output of the hostname -i command should produce the correct result as the IP address of the server.

For example:

[root@source ~]# hostname -i

Required utilities and tools

Ensure the expect utility is installed on the staging/target host.

CouchbaseDB Connector runs password sensitive commands by making use of expect utility.

Checking if the expect utility is installed with:

which expect

Storage requirement

  1. The Staging Host must have enough storage space to hold the source backup file OR NFS mount Source backup filesystem.

  2. An empty folder on the staging host to hold the delphix toolkit (approximately 2GB free space).

Sudo privileges for the environment OS user

Continuous Data Engine connects to the target host (via SSH) to majorly perform the following operations: 

  1. Continuous Data dynamically mounts and unmounts directories for linking and provisioning operations. This privilege is required because mount and unmount are typically reserved for superuser.

  2. Continuous Data dynamically creates and removes directories for linking and provisioning operations.

The operations above will require sudo privileges for the OS user. 

Configuring sudo access on target environments (as root user):

  1. The sudo configuration exists in the /etc/sudoers file. The file can be edited directly or a utility called visudo can be used to add the privilege.

    vi /etc/sudoers
    # Or
  1. Adding the privileges

Defaults:delphix_os !requiretty
delphix_os ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/mount,/bin/umount,/bin/mkdir,/bin/rmdir, /bin/ps
delphix_os ALL=(couchbase) NOPASSWD: ALL

The examples used above are for illustrative purposes and the sudo file configuration options are subject to change.

Requiretty settings

Continuous Data requires that the requiretty setting be disabled for all Continuous Data users with sudo privileges.

It is required to specify the NOPASSWD qualifier within the sudo configuration file. This ensures the sudo command does not demand the entry of a password, even for the display permissions (i.e. sudo -l) command.

  • Additionally, Delphix OS user should be:

    • Regular OS user (e.g., delphix_os)

    • Add OS user to couchbase OS group

    • Must have access to backup files of the source database stored on the staging host.

    • Must have access to the path create and modify files in /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase.

    • An empty folder with approximately 2GB of free space on the host, to hold Delphix Toolkit (dxtoolkit).

    • An empty folder on the host to mount the NFS filesystem. This is just an empty folder with no space requirements and acts as a base folder for NFS mounts.

    • Sudo privileges for mount and umount. The sample above uses delphix_os as delphix user.

    • If Couchbase service is installed using a Couchbase user, the Delphix OS user (e.g., delphix_os) must have privilege to run any command as a Couchbase user, using sudo.

  • Please ensure any login banners similar to the one in the image below must be disabled on the staging host.

  • Couchbase binaries installed and configured:

    • Disable auto start using OS services:

      • systemctl disable couchbase-server.service

      • systemctl stop couchbase-server.service

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