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Enabling linking and provisioning for Oracle databases

This topic describes how to enable and disable linking and provisioning for Oracle databases in an environment. 

Before you can use a database as a dSource, you must first make sure that you have defined an environment and that linking is allowed on it in the Delphix Environment. Similarly, before you can provision a virtual database (VDB) to a target database, you must make sure that you have allowed provisioning to the host or cluster to which the Delphix Environment is attached. 


  1. Login to the Delphix management application. 

  2. Click Manage

  3. Select Environments

  4. Click Databases

    1. For provisioning: On the installation, you wish to work on select Edit for the Installation details and toggle the Allow provisioning checkbox and click save

    2. For linking: Under in the database section of the installation which contains the DB you wish to link click edit for Allow linking and toggle the checkbox then click save

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