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Installing the Delphix connector service on the target database servers

This section lists the steps involved in installing a Delphix Connector on your target database server. Installing the Delphix Connector is vital for communication between the Delphix Engine and the targets. A minimum available space of 1GB is a prerequisite to installing the Delphix Connector.

  1. From the machine that you want to use as a target, start a browser session and connect to the Delphix Management application.

  2. Click Manage.

  3. Select Environments.

  4. Next to Environments, click the Plus icon.

  5. In the Add Environment dialog, select Windows from the operating system menu.

  6. Select Target.

  7. Select Standalone.

  8. Click Next.

  9. Click the download link for the Delphix Connector Installer.
    The Delphix Connector will download to your local machine.

    Note: You can also download the Delphix Connector directly by navigating to this URL: http://<name of your Delphix Engine>/connector/DelphixConnectorInstaller.exe

  10. On the Windows machine that you want to want to use as a target, run the Delphix Connector installer. Click Next to advance through each of the installation wizard screens.

    The installer will only run on 64-bit Windows systems. 32-bit systems are not supported.

    1. For Connector Configuration, make sure there is no firewall in your environment blocking traffic to the port on the target environment that the Delphix Connector service will listen to.

    2. For Java Configuration, to provide your own Oracle Java enter the absolute path to your Oracle JDK and click Next. Otherwise, leave the field blank.


      The NETWORK SERVICE user requires read and execute permissions on the Oracle JDK, its subfolders, and files.

    3. For Select Installation Folder, either accept the default folder or click Browse to select another.

    4. For Choose .NET Framework (Delphix Engine onwards), select which version of .NET should be used by the Delphix Connector Windows service. The installer will default to the latest version detected on the system. This selection can be changed afterwards but make sure that chosen .NET framework version should exist in the system.

    5. Click Next on the installer final Confirm Installation dialog to complete the installation process.

    6. For successful installation a popup will come up stating "DelphixConnector Installed Successfully".

    7. Click Close to exit the Delphix Connector Install Program.

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