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New features (Cassandra)

To deploy and configure the Cassandra plugin, refer to Overview.

Release 1.2.0

This is a bug fix release.

Release 1.1.1

This is a bug fix release.

Release 1.1.0

This release supports the following feature/features:

  • Cassandra SSL Support for the below distributions:

    • DataStax Enterprise

    • Open-Source Apache Software Foundation

  • Provide SSL Encryption (with local keystore) features for:

    • Inter-node Encryption

    • Client to Node Encryption

  • Certified DataStax Enterprise v6.8.33

  • Certified Apache Cassandra v4.1.1

Release 1.0.0

This release supports the following feature/features:

  • First Version of Cassandra Plugin.

  • Supports below Cassandra distributions:

    • DataStax Enterprise

    • Open-Source Apache Software Foundation

  • Supports Staging Push Ingestion model.

  • Code Structure referenced from Select Connector vSDK framework.

  • Python version 3 compatibility.

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