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Optional parameters

Custom mount base

Users can specify their own mount path to host the dSource dataset by specifying the base path in the Mount Base field. Make sure this path exists on the staging host.

Additional backup paths

Once the Backup path is entered, a new field will pop up below the Backup path namely the Additional Backup path where you can provide multiple backup paths if the backup is split into multiple filesystems during the backup operation.

Parallelism factor for database restore

Optionally, you can add the Parallelism factor for Database restore to provide the degree of parallelization to run the database restore operation. If no value is entered, the IBM Db2 connector inherently assigns a parallelism factor.

  • Parallelism factor depends on the resources provided on the staging host; users may not see any difference in performance if there aren't enough resources for the IBM Db2 connector to implement the parallelism.

  • You can provide any positive integer value for the parallelism factor. IBM Db2 connector will provide that level of parallelism given that the system has appropriate resources to offer.

  • Parallelism factor is inversely proportional to the Database restore time, which implies that a higher parallelism factor will result in reduced restoration time.

  • For optimal performance during restoration, make sure to provide the same parallelism factor while creating the backups.

Config Settings

Optionally, you can set the database configuration parameters during the linking operation in the Config Settings section. For example DATABASE_MEMORY, LOGFILSIZ.

Connector defined hooks

Optionally, users can provide a bash script as a connector-defined hook. Delphix Continuous Data Engine has two connector managed Hooks:

  • Plugin Pre-Restore Hook: The bash script entered in this field will get executed before restoration. This hook is useful in such cases where the users want to prepare the full backup before the restore operation.

  • Plugin Post-Restore Hook: The bash script entered in this field will get executed after completion of the restore operation. This hook is useful in such cases where the user wants to purge the full backup file after the restore operation.

Plugin-managed pre-Hook - You can copy the required full backup file from some remote location to the staging host. Below is an example of such a bash script (the name of the below script is

# Copying backup file from a remote host
scp /db2backup/
The user can provide the above script in Plugin managed pre-Hook field as "sh"
2. Plugin managed post-Hook - User can purge the full backup file from the staging host. Below is an example of such bash script (name of below script is
# Purging full backup file from staging host for saving the staging storage
rm -f /db2backup/R74D105A.0.auto1051.DBPART000.20180510073639.001

The user can provide the above script in Plugin managed post-Hook field as "sh"
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