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Oracle central inventory

The Oracle Central Inventory is a repository for all Oracle products (software) installed on a system. Since the Central Inventory consists of system-specific information, it is required that the Central Inventory be saved in a local non-shared directory on the system. While software can be shared across nodes, the inventory should be local to each system. The global inventory/central inventory(oraInventory) for each node should be on a local file system other than the Delphix mount base path.

For more info, see the following notes


An oraInst.loc file must exist on every AppsTier and database node before provisioning. This file will specify where the oraInventory directories live or where they should be created if they do not already exist.

The oraInst.loc file is typically located at /etc/oraInst.loc on Linux or /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc on Solaris. Ensure that the oraInventory to which this file points is writable by the application or database tier OS user.

If you are provisioning a single-node AppsTier,

  • [Required] The global inventory/central inventory(oraInventory) for each node should be on a local file system other than the Delphix mount base path.

  • If you are provisioning a multi-node AppsTier,

  • The following recommendations are mandatory;

    • While configuring SHARED APPL_TOP application, Delphix expects the oraInventory directory path should be beneath the Delphix mount base path. 

    • The inventory_loc variable defined in file /etc/oraInst.loc on all application servers should point to the same shared oraInventory directory location on the shared Delphix mount base path. 

    • The Delphix Continuous Data Engine's cloning workflow requires that all nodes in the AppsTier have access to the shared oraInventory directories via Delphix-provided storage.

  • [Required] The Delphix Continuous Data Engine's automation requires that all nodes in the AppsTier have access to the oraInventory directories via Delphix-provided storage.

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