Provisioning a multi-node Couchbase VDB
Navigate to Manage, and select Datasets.
Select the dataset and the snapshot that you want provision from. Click the provision VDB icon to open the provision VDB wizard.
Select the target host from the dropdown on which VDB needs to be created.
Enter the following values for the target configuration:
Target Port Number: Port number on which Couchbase services will be started. ( ex. 8091 )
Mount Path: NFS mount path where dSource snapshot will be mounted by Engine ( ex. /mnt/provision/targetdemo )
Target Cluster name: Cluster name which is required to be set up on the target host. ( ex. targetdemo )
Cluster Ram Size: Whole Cluster memory
Cluster Index Ram Size: Cluster indexer memory
Cluster FTS Ram Size: Cluster FTS memory ( if needed and FTS service will be configured )
Cluster Eventing Ram Size: Cluster Eventing memory ( if needed and Eventing service will be configured )
Cluster Analytics Ram Size: Cluster Analytics memory ( if needed and Analytics service will be configured )
Enter the following values for the target configuration:
Target couchbase Admin User: Target Cluster admin username
Target couchbase Admin password: Target Cluster admin password
Select services needed on the first node of the cluster ( FTS, Eventing, Analytics )
Click Add buton to open a dialog box for additional node. If you need more nodes, click Add button again to add more nodes
Enter the following values for each node:
Delphix Environment Name: Select an additional node environment from drop-down menu
Delphix Environment User: Select an environment user
Node hostname / IP: Enter a hostname or IP of the new node - it will be used as a server name in Couchbase configuration
Select services needed on the additional node of the cluster ( FTS, Eventing, Analytics )
Provision connector based VDB. Enter the follwing value:
VDB Name: Delphix Target Cluster name
Target group: Delphix Target Cluster group
Select a policy for VDB, select Next.
Select masking for VDB if needed, select Next
Add hooks for VDB if needed, select Next
Preview the summary and select Submit
Once the VDB is created successfully, you can review the datasets on Manage > Datasets > vdb Name.