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Managing SAP HANA environments and hosts

Workflow for SAP HANA environments

A staging environment must be added to the Delphix Engine before linking. Similarly, a compatible target environment must be added to the Delphix Engine in order to provide a location to provision to. Installation of the HANA Plugin is required ...

Updated on : 25 May 2023

Adding a SAP HANA environment

This topic describes how to add a HANA environment.   Prerequisites Make sure that the HANA environment in question meets the requirements described in Requirements for HANA Staging Hosts and Databases   and Requirements for HANA Targe...

Updated on : 25 May 2023

Editing SAP HANA environment details

This topic describes how to edit the details of an environment. Once an environment has been added it is possible to change any of the following values: Environment OS user Host IP Address/Name SSH port Path to plugin location Proce...

Updated on : 25 May 2023

Changing the hostname or IP Address for SAP HANA staging and target environments

Below is the procedure to change the Host Address of the HANA Staging and Target Environments (If the Host address of the underlying staging and target server has also changed): Procedure Disable the dSources. Disable the VDBs. Login to ...

Updated on : 25 May 2023

Steps to modify SAP HANA dSource properties

Select the dSource and then the dSource  Configuration  tab to modify dSource properties. For example, to change the  Source SystemDB Username  or  Password , select the  Dataset ,  Configuration,  and then the  Custom  tab as shown bel...

Updated on : 25 May 2023

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