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Upgrading a dSource after a SQL Server upgrade

This topic describes how to upgrade dSources after a SQL Server database upgrade.

There are two ways to upgrade a Source database:

  • Perform an Upgrade installation of SQL Server, upgrading the Source and Staging SQL Server instances in-place

  • Perform a fresh installation of the new SQL Server version, and migrating the databases to the new instance

The steps required to support this in the Delphix Engine are different depending on method chosen. The required steps are outlined in the sections below.

In-place SQL Server upgrade

  1. Disable all dSources on the instance being upgraded

  2. Following Microsoft's procedures, perform an upgrade of the Source SQL Server instance

  3. Following Microsoft's procedures, perform an upgrade of the Staging SQL Server instance to the same version as the Source

  4. Refresh the Source and Staging environments in the GUI

  5. Enable the dSources being upgraded

Migrate databases to newer instance

Prerequisites for database migration

  • Record the configuration data for each dSource being upgraded, including the Database User, Database Password (if applicable), and Validated Sync configuration. This will be needed to re-link the dSource.

  • Following Microsoft's procedures, install a new Source SQL Server instance with the new SQL Server version.

  • Ensure that a Staging SQL Server instance is available, running the same SQL Server version as the new Source SQL Server instance.

  • Add or Refresh the Environment containing the new SQL Server instance(s), using the steps in Adding a SQL Server Source Environment and Adding a SQL Server Standalone Target Environment.

The refresh/rediscover operations do not affect the operations of any dSources or VDBs on the environment.

Migration steps

  1. Navigate to the ManageDatasets screen.

  2. For each dSource being upgraded:

    1. Select Unlink dSource from the Actions menu (...)

  3. Following Microsoft's procedures, migrate the Source database to the new Source SQL Server instance.

  4. Commence a new Full database backup of each upgraded Source database

  5. From the ManageEnvironments screen, Refresh the new Source Environment. The migrated databases should be detected and visible from the Environment's Databases tab.

  6. Navigate to the ManageDatasets screen.

  7. For each dSource that was upgraded:

    1. Select Link dSource from the Actions menu (...)

    2. Locate the upgraded Source database using the Source Environment, Installation and Database drop-down boxes

    3. Select a compatible Staging Environment and Staging Repository

    4. Configure the Database Authentication using values that are appropriate for the new Source database

    5. Click Link to begin linking the dSource

    6. Reconfigure any dSource settings using the dataset's Configuration tab

    7. Use the Snapshot button to take a snapshot using the upgraded database backup

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