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latest Add a Kerberos environment


Version or later recommended for Kerberos

Any Delphix Engine intending to leverage Kerberos credentials should be running version or later. Versions may encounter issues in authentication ticket renewal, causing Environment and Dataset job failures. More information can be found in this Delphix Knowledge Base article

It is possible to create a Unix/Linux Standalone environment with Kerberos authentication.

  1. Login to the Delphix Management application as an admin.

  2. From the  Manage menu, select  Environments.

  3. Then click on the plus icon to open a wizard to create a new environment.

  4. Select your  Host OS   and  Server Type,  then select  Next.

  5. Under  Login Type, select  Kerberos Authentication.

  6. If  Discover SAP ASE  is enabled, ASE DB Kerberos authentication will be available, select  Kerberos Authentication.

  7. Select  Submit.

Changing the environment user

  1. Login to the Delphix Management application as an admin.

  2. From the  Manage menu, select  Environments.

  3. Select an Environment, the  Details tab allows you to see Environment information.

  4. On the grid of Environment Users, you can see existing users. Click the plus icon, to add a new user.

  5. It is now possible to create a user with Kerberos Authentication. There can only be one Kerberos user per environment. The Principal is taken to the Kerberos Configuration. 

It is possible to set the Kerberos user as Primary.

Changing SAP ASE DB user and DB password

  1. Login to the Delphix  Management application as an admin.

  2. From the Manage menu, select  Environments.

  3. Select an Environment, the  Details tab allows you to see Environment information.

  4. Click the SAP ASE Information pencil icon.  


  5.  Click the edit icon and edit ASE DB User and ASE DB Password.

  6.  Click the checkmark to save. 

Updating environment notes

  1. Login to the Delphix  Management application as an admin.

  2. From the Manage menu select  Environments.

  3. Select an Environment, the  Details tab allows you to see Environment information.

  4. Under  SAP ASE Information, you can see Notes. To edit click the pencil icon.

  5. Click the checkmark to save. 

Changing host address, SSH port number, and toolkit path

  1. Login to the Delphix  Management application as an admin.

  2. From the Manage menu select Environments.

  3. Select an Environment, the  Details tab allows you to see Environment information.

  4. Click the pencil icon located next to Attributes to edit the  Host Address or  SSH Port number or  Toolkit Path.

  5. Select the checkmark to save.

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