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Requirements for SAP HANA target hosts and databases

This section describes user privileges and other requirements for HANA target hosts and databases collectively referred to as the target environment.

target environment is where virtualized databases run. A target environment must have a HANA instance installed and configured. The VDB will become a tenant on the target database instance. 

General target environment requirements

  1. The operating system of the target environment must match the staging environment.

  2. The SAP HANA installation on the target environment must have the same or higher version than the staging environment.

  3. There must be an operating system user with the following privileges:

    1. The Delphix Engine must be able to make an SSH connection to the target environment using the operating system user.

    2. The operating system user must have read and execute privileges on the HANA binaries installed on the target environment.

    3. The operating system user must have permission to run mount and unmount as the superuser via sudo with neither a password nor a TTY. See Sudo Requirements for the HANA 2.0 Plugin

  4. Prior to the discovery, a plugin directory on the target environment must exist with the following properties:

    1. The plugin directory must be writable by the operating system user mentioned above.

    2. The plugin directory must have at least 256 MB of available storage.

  5. There must be a mount point directory (for example, /mnt) that will be used as the base for mount points that are created when provisioning a VDB with the following properties:

    1. The mount point directory must be writable by the operating system user mentioned above.

    2. The mount point directory should be empty.

  6. TCP/IP connectivity to and from the source environment must be configured as described in General Network and Connectivity Requirements.

  7. The hostname and IP address must be correctly configured.

  8. HANA instance on which the VDB creation is being done should have the empty ports to host the services for the tenant database. The default port number range for tenant databases is 3<instance>40—3<instance>99. This means that the maximum number of tenant databases that can be created per instance is 20. However, you can increase this by reserving the port numbers of further instances. You do this by configuring the property [multidb] reserved_instance_numbers in the global.ini file. The default value of this property is 0. If you change the value to 1, the port numbers of one further instance are available (for example, 30040—30199 if the first instance is 00). If you change it to 2, the port numbers of two further instances are available (for example, 30040—30299 if the first instance is 00). And so on.

Non-database users/Low Privileged users/Users for which privileges need to be elevated, are not supported for performing Delphix operations.

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