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Staging Push transfers the responsibility of preparing a staging database to the end user. This ingestion method allows you to manually push the source data into the mount path backed by the Delphix Continuous Data Engine storage. It offers an alternative approach to the Staging pull model where the Delphix Continuous Data Engine takes care of preparing the dSource.

Perform the following steps to create a dSource with the stagingpush ingestion type.


The source and staging instances must meet the host requirements as described in Requirements for staging/target hosts.


  1. Login to Delphix Management application.

  2. Click Manage -> Environments.

  3. Click on Add dSource.

  4. In the Add dSource dialog window, select the MongoDB source config created on the staging host.

  5. Select the dSource type from the drop-down list in the dSource dialog window. 

  6. Enter the Mongo-specific parameters for your dSource configuration.

    1. dSource Type: This is the type of dSource.

    2. Source database details:

      1. Source MongoDB Host Connect String: Connection string of the database to be created on the staging host.

      2. MongoDB Source Database User: Database username of the  database to be created.

      3. MongoDB Password: Database password.

    3. dSource (Sharded/Replica Set) details:

      1. Staging Replicaset Name: This is the staging database replica set name. Mandatory for stagingpush. It should be set to the replica set name which would be created.

      2. Staging MongoDB Host: This is the staging host for creating a dSource.

      3. Mount Path: This is the mount path for dSource MongoDB instance data files.

      4. bindIP String: The default value is

      5. Staging Port: This is the staging host port for MongoDB dSource instance. (Should be similar to the port mentioned in the Source MongoDB Host Connect String)

      6. Client Certificate for Mongos/Mongo session on Primary Node: This is the absolute path of client certificate to connect to staging database. Optional.

      7. Client CA Certificate for Mongos/Mongo session on Primary Node: This is the absolute path of root CA certificate that signed the client certificate. Optional.

    4. Click Submit to create a dSource.

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