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Provisioning PostgreSQL virtual databases

The virtual database (VDB) is a Delphix virtualized copy of your source database that runs on your Target Environment. A VDB is provisioned from a dSource or VDB snapshot.


Meet the following requirements to create a VDB:

  1. Identify an originating dataset and snapshot.

    1. Link a dSource by following the instructions in Linking a PostgreSQL dSource.

    2. Select a VDB that has been previously provisioned.

  2. Set up a PostgreSQL target environment as described in PostgreSQL support and requirements.

  3. To use privilege elevation, you must meet the Privilege Elevation Requirements


Perform the following steps to provision a PostgreSQL VDB.

  1. Login to the Delphix Management application.

  2. Navigate to the Manage > Datasets page and select a dataset.

  3. Under the Timeflow tab, identify a snapshot, hover over it, and select the Provision a VDB button.

  1. On the Target Environment page, perform the following actions:

    • From the Environment dropdown list, select a target environment. This will dynamically populate the other properties.

    • From the Installation dropdown list, select the specific PostgreSQL installation that you want to use.

    • From the User dropdown list, select the environment user that matches the PostgreSQL Instance Owner as configured in the prerequisites.
      Note: The ability to select different instance owners is only applicable when you have multiple users configured in that environment.

  2. On the Target Configuration page, perform the following actions:

    • Specify the target environment’s NFS Mount Location. The specified path must not exist or be empty.


    • Kubernetes VDB parameters are not to be populated through UI. For information on Provisioning a virtual database using Delphix Kubernetes Driver, refer to the Kubernetes page. This field is visible only in the Delphix Continuous Data Engine version below

    • (Optional) Enable Privilege Elevation by providing the username of the Privileged OS Account

    • Specify the Virtual Postgres Port Number of the target database. The default value is 5434

    • (Optional) Define database configuration parameters during the provisioning operation in the "Config Settings" section.

      • During VDB creation, the Config Settings section provides the capability to configure the parameters of the VDB’s postgresql.conf file. For example, if you wish to disable SSL via UI, you can specify the "ssl" parameter and its value through the UI. This action will replace the existing parameter value in the M file. Similarly, if you want to disable a parameter then specify the parameter name and then select the Comment Property check box. This action will comment out the parameter in the postgresql.conf file.

        provision-config sett.png
  3. On the Configuration page, perform the following:

    • Specify the VDB Name of the PostgreSQL VDB.

    • Select the Target Group to organize the VDB under a dataset group

      • Click the “Add Dataset Group” button to create a new group.

  4. (Optional) On the Policies page, select a previously defined VDB Snapshot Policy or the Use group policy checkbox.

  5. (Optional) On the Masking page, enable the Mask this VDB checkbox to mask the database following a successful provision. 

    • This feature may be disabled or unavailable if the chosen snapshot is already masked or the Delphix Continuous Compliance Engine is disconnected.

  6. (Optional) On the Hooks page, select a Hook Point and then click the plus button (+) to add a script that you want to run. You can define scripts to run at multiple hook points in the process.

  7. In the Summary tab, review the configuration profile for your VDB.

  8. Click Submit.

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