API changes in Delphix
In Delphix, the new API version is 1.11.9. This section describes all the API changes since API version 1.11.8, which was released with Delphix All URL paths are relative to /resources/json/delphix
What changed
API object | Path | Type | Name | change |
| N/A (value type) | property |
| Type changed from AppDataSourceConfig to AppDataDirectSourceConfig. |
| N/A (value type) | property |
| Added enum value DOCKER_LOG. |
| /service/tls/cipherSuite | property |
| Added enum values TLS_AES_128_CCM_8_SHA256, TLS_AES_128_CCM_SHA256, TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, and TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256. |
| /service/httpConnector | property |
| Added enum value TLSv1_3. |
| /namespace | property |
| No longer behind a feature flag. |
| /environment | property |
| No longer read-only Deleted. |
| N/A (value type) | property |
| No longer behind a feature flag. |
| /environment | property |
| No longer read-only. |
What is new
API object | Path | Type | Name | Description |
| /alert/profile | property |
| User to which the alert profile is assigned. Defaults to the logged-in user. |
| N/A (value type) | API type |
| Credentials to be placed in environment variables for an operation. |
| N/A (value type) | property |
| CHAP username to be used for iSCSI Discovery. |
| /storage/iscsi/target | property |
| CHAP username to be used for iSCSI Target authentication. |
| N/A (value type) | property |
| List of environment variables that will contain credentials for this operation. |
| /system/version | property |
| The hotfix version. |