API changes in Delphix
In Delphix 9.0, the new API version is 1.11.20. This section describes all API changes since API version 1.11.19, that was released with Delphix All URL paths are relative to /resources/json/delphix.
What's changed?
API object | Path | Type | Name | Change |
| NA (value type) | Property |
| Can now be updated via CLI. |
| NA (value type) | API Type |
| Returns a list of password vault objects on the system. Limits CLI visibility for create, update and delete of password vault objects to system users only. |
| NA (value type) | API Type |
| Removed property smartFailover. |
| /service/passwordVault | API Type |
| Removed property host and port. |
| /timezone | Property |
| Property id (enum) has been updated to include America/Rosario,Europe/Belfast. |
What's new?
API object | Path | Type | Name | Description |
| N/A (value type) | Property |
| Optional database template to use for provisioning, refresh and enable. If set, configParams will be ignored on the provision or refresh. |
| N/A (value type) | PropertyAPI Type |
| Password vaults with host and port. |
| N/A (value type) | Property |
| Added property format with value unixabsolutepath. |
| N/A (value type) | API Type |
| Parameters to use as input to export Oracle non-MT databases. |
| N/A (value type) | API Type |
| The enhanced parameters to use as input to export Oracle databases. |
| N/A (value type) | API Type |
| Parameters to use as input to export Oracle PDB databases. |
| N/A (value type) | API Type |
| Convert a virtual PDB to a physical PDB in-place. |
| N/A (value type) | API Type |
| Convert a non-MT virtual DB to a physical DB in-place. |
| N/A (value type) | API Type |
| Storage strategy for exporting database files to ASM. |
| N/A (value type) | API Type |
| ASM diskgroups for datafiles, archive logs/redo logs. |