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CLI cookbook: how to delete a Delphix self-service container


  • Know the container you want to delete

  • Have delphix_admin privileges


  1. Log into Delphix Engine as admin

    ssh delphix@<yourengine>
  2. Navigate to the Delphix Self-Servicecontainer that you want to delete

    delphix > selfservice container
    delphix selfservice container > ls
    delphix selfservice container > select CONTAINER_X
    delphix selfservice container 'CONTAINER_X' >
  3. Delete container, note you need to set if you want to delete the VDBs in the container (false will preserve the VDBs and true the VDBs will be deleted along with the container)

    delphix selfservice container 'CONTAINER_X' > delete
    delphix selfservice container 'CONTAINER_X'delete *> set deleteDataSources=<true/false>
    delphix selfservice container 'CONTAINER_X'delete *> commit
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