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Managing cluster nodes of an Oracle RAC environment

This topic describes how to manage cluster nodes of an Oracle RAC environment from the Delphix Management application.

Enabling a cluster node


  1. Login to the Delphix Management application.

  2. Click Manage.

  3. Select Environments.

  4. Select your environment.

  5. Click the Details tab.

  6. In the Cluster Nodes section, for the desired node, check the check-box in the Enabled column.

    Environments Oracle RAC Cluster Nodes To Enable.png

Disabling a cluster node


All the virtual database instances on the cluster node must be stopped from the Delphix Management application. Refer to the steps documented here for stopping the cluster instances.


  1. Login to the Delphix Management application.

  2. Click Manage.

  3. Select Environments.

  4. Select your environment.

  5. Click the Details tab.

  6. In the Cluster Nodes section, for the desired node, uncheck the check-box in the Enabled column.

    Environments Oracle RAC Cluster Nodes To Disable.png

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