Privilege elevation requirements for Oracle EBS
The optional Privilege Elevation feature allows a non-privileged environment user (e.g., delphix_os) to gain the permissions of a privileged environment user (e.g., oravis) for operations on the staging or target environments. This configuration can be valuable to maximize an environment's security posture.
First, the Privilege Elevation script, dlpx_db_exec, must be created and uploaded onto the Delphix Continuous Data Engine. Then, the non-privileged environment user must be granted the appropriate permissions..
Upload the privilege elevation script
Perform one of the following methods to upload the privilege elevation script:
a) CURL file upload method
Before running any of the following commands, update <CONTINUOUS-DATA-FQDN-or-IP>, <USERNAME>, and <PASSWORD> placeholder values.
Create a session with the Delphix Continuous Data Engine.
Also, update the version values for `major`, `minor`, and `micro` fields.
The correct values for your Delphix Continuous Data Engine version can be found in the API version information.
CODEcurl -i -c cookies.txt -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" https://<CONTINUOUS-DATA-FQDN-or-IP>/resources/json/delphix/session -d '{ "version":{ "major":1, "minor":11, "micro": 5, "type":"APIVersion" }, "type":"APISession" }'
Login to Delphix Continuous Data Engine as the `admin` user.
CODEcurl -i -c cookies.txt -b cookies.txt -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" https://<CONTINUOUS-DATA-FQDN-or-IP>/resources/json/delphix/login -d '{ "username":"<USERNAME>", "password":"<PASSWORD>", "type":"LoginRequest", "target":"DOMAIN" }'
Copy DLPX_DB_EXEC contents to the Delphix Continuous Data Engine.
CODEcurl -i -b cookies.txt -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" http://<Delphix-Engine>/resources/json/delphix/host/privilegeElevation/profileScript/HOST_PRIVILEGE_ELEVATION_PROFILE_SCRIPT-7 -d '{ "type": "HostPrivilegeElevationProfileScript", "contents": "#\n# Copyright (c) 2018 by Delphix. All rights reserved.\n#\n\n#\n# This script allows customization of command execution with an alternate user\n# account.\nif [[ $1 != -u* ]]; then\n echo \"Incorrect command line parameters, -u<optional user account> is required as the first parameter\"\n exit 1\nfi\nuser_id=`echo $1 | sed -e \"s\/^-u\/\/\"`\n\nshift 1\nif [[ $user_id != \"delphix_os\" ]]; then\ncommand=$(printf \"%s \" \"$@\")\nsudo su - $user_id -c \"$command\"\nelse\n$@\nfi\n" }'
Sample Content of DLPX_DB_EXEC Privilege Elevation Profile:
Never update the DLPX_DB_EXEC script manually on the source/target host.
# Copyright (c) 2024 by Delphix. All rights reserved.
# This script allows customization of command execution with an alternate user
# account.
# Arg $1 contains "-u<optional user account>" for the desired user under
# which database commands will be executed.
# By default this argument is ignored and the script is executed as the default
# account.
if [[ $1 != -u* ]]; then
echo "Incorrect command line parameters, -u<optional user account> is required as the first parameter"
exit 1
user_id=`echo $1 | sed -e "s/^-u//"`
shift 1
if [[ $user_id != "delphix_os" ]]; then
command=$(printf "%s " "$@")
sudo su - $user_id -c "$command"
Note: If the dlpx_db_exec script is updated after the environment(s) is added, refresh the environment to propagate the changes.
CLI Method
For steps on creating a Privilege Elevation Profile, refer to CLI Cookbook: How to create or edit privilege elevation profiles and profile scripts.
Configure sudo privileges to grant Privilege Elevation
With Privilege Elevation, all Oracle EBS connector commands are run via the dlpx_db_exec script and within this script the commands are run using ‘sudo’. In order to execute the connector commands as the high-privileged environment user, sudoers entries are required.
To add additional sudoers entries you need to edit the /etc/sudoers file. Run the following commands to open the `sudoers’ file:
vi /etc/sudoers
# or
Note: Third party tools like `visudo`, can be helpful in minimizing syntax errors.
Sudoers entry for Linux
Entries required for provisioning via low privileged user (delphix_os) on target Oracle EBS DBTier
Defaults:delphix_os !requiretty
delphix_os ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/su - oravis -c
/bin/mount, /bin/su - oravis -c
/bin/umount, /bin/su - oravis -c echo *,
/bin/su - oravis -c export *,
/bin/su - oravis -c test*mkdir*,
/bin/su - oravis -c test*touch*chmod 750*cat*,
/bin/su - oravis -c */EBS_kill/*,
/bin/su - oravis -c rm -f */test_status.tmp*,
/bin/su - oravis -c cp -f */dlpx_force_autoflush*;
chmod 755 */dlpx_force_autoflush*,
/bin/su - oravis -c rm -f */dlpx_force_autoflush*,
/bin/su - oravis -c */*.env*bin/lsnrctl status*,
/bin/su - oravis -c */*.env*/*,
/bin/su - oravis -c rm -f /u01/oracle/VIS/*/.delphix_adpreclone.lck*,
/bin/su - oravis -c rm -rf */appsutil/clone/dbts*,
/bin/su - oravis -c touch /u01/oracle/VIS/*/.delphix_adpreclone.lck*,
/bin/su - oravis -c */bin/runInstaller -silent -detachHome*,
/bin/su - oravis -c export PATH* export PERL5LIB*perl -mdlpx_force_autoflush */ dbtechstack*,
/bin/su - oravis -c export PERL5LIB*perl -mdlpx_force_autoflush */ dbtechstack*,
/bin/su - oravis -c cd *; make -f*ioracle*,
/bin/su - oravis -c cd *; make -f dnfs_off*,
/bin/su - oravis -c rm -f *bak, /bin/su - oravis -c mv *,
/bin/su - oravis -c */*.env*sqlplus* as sysdba*,
/bin/su - oravis -c */*.env*perl */appsutil/clone/bin/ dbconfig*,
/bin/su - oravis -c */*.env*perl */appsutil/scripts/*/ database*,
/bin/su - oravis -c sed*sqlnet.ora*, /bin/su - oravis -c */*.env*sqlplus apps*,
/bin/su - oravis -c */*.env*; make -f *rdbms/lib/ dnfs_off*,
/bin/su - oravis -c */*.env*; ln -s *, /bin/mount, /bin/umount, /bin/ps,
/bin/mkdir, /bin/su - oravis -c source* -dboraclehome* perl**,
/bin/su - oravis -c */*.env*perl */appsutil/bin/ -contextfile*,
/bin/su - oravis -c */*.env* mkdir -p*, /bin/su - oravis -c chmod 775 *dbs*,
/bin/su - oravis -c chmod 6751 */bin/oracle*,
/bin/su - oravis -c cp **,
/bin/su - oravis -c chmod 755 */dlpx_force_autoflush*,
/bin/su - oravis -c umask*touch *source_apps_file.txt,
/bin/su - oravis -c mkdir -p*, /bin/su - oravis -c cp *pairsfile*,
/bin/su - oravis -c *perl -mdlpx_force_autoflush */*,
/bin/su - oravis -c *perl -mdlpx_force_autoflush */ dbtechstack*,
/bin/su - oravis -c touch */.delphix_adpreclone.lck*,
/bin/su - oravis -c rm -f */.delphix_adpreclone.lck*
Entries required for provisioning via low privileged user (delphix_os) on target Oracle EBS AppsTier
Defaults:delphix_os !requiretty
delphix_os ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/su - applvis -c echo *,
/bin/su - applvis -c rm *.dlpx_run_edition*,
/bin/su - applvis -c rm -f *dlpx_force_autoflush*,
/bin/su - applvis -c cd *echo *dlpx_force_autoflush*,
/bin/su - applvis -c export PATH* export PERL5LIB* cd *perl -mdlpx_force_autoflush ./ AppsTier*,
/bin/su - applvis -c */rsync*, /bin/su - applvis -c test*mkdir*, /bin/su - applvis -c test*touch*chmod 750*cat*,
/bin/su - applvis -c */EBS_kill/*, /bin/su - applvis -c rm -f */test_status.tmp*, /bin/su - applvis -c */*.env* sqlplus -s *apps*,
/bin/su - applvis -c */*, /bin/su - applvis -c */*,
/bin/su - applvis -c */*.env* cd **,
/bin/su - applvis -c export PATH* export PERL5LIB* cd *perl -mdlpx_force_autoflush ./ AppsTier*,
/bin/su - applvis -c *perl -mdlpx_force_autoflush */ addnode contextfile*pairsfile*outfile*,
/bin/su - applvis -c **, /bin/su - applvis -c **,
/bin/su - applvis -c **, /bin/su - applvis -c */*.env* cd *perl -mdlpx_force_autoflush ./*contextfile*action*updateAdminPassword*,
/bin/su - applvis -c */bin/runInstaller -silent -detachHome*, /bin/su - applvis -c rm -rf */inst/apps/*, /bin/su - applvis -c rm -rf *FMW_Home*,
/bin/su - applvis -c rm -rf *fs*,
/bin/su - applvis -c find*exec rm -rf *,
/bin/su - applvis -c cp */inst/apps/*appl/admin* */inst/apps/*,
/bin/su - applvis -c */*EBSapps.env*perl */patch/115/bin/*contextfile*configoption*oacore*oafm*forms*formsc4ws*,
/bin/su - applvis -c rsync -aH --delete --ignore-errors */EBSapps/ */EBSapps/*,
/bin/su - applvis -c rm */serviceStartfile.tmp*, /bin/su - applvis -c rm -rf */change_apps_password*,
/bin/su - applvis -c mkdir -p */change_apps_password*, /bin/su - applvis -c */*.env* run; cd */change_apps_password*/fnd/12.0.0/bin/FNDCPASS*apps*system*SYSTEM APPLSYS*,
/bin/su - applvis -c */*.env* sqlplus *apps*,
/bin/su - applvis -c */*.env* rm -f */*cat */*,
/bin/su - applvis -c */*.env*/*,
/bin/su - applvis -c */*.env* rm -f */*cat**,
/bin/su - applvis -c */*.env* run; */wlserver_10.3/common/bin/ */*,
/bin/su - applvis -c */*.env*; */wlserver_10.3/common/bin/ */*,
/bin/su - applvis -c *lsof*, /bin/su - applvis -c *sed *,
/bin/su - applvis -c */*.env*;* status*,
/bin/mount, /bin/umount, /bin/ps, /bin/su - applvis -c find*,
/bin/su - applvis -c cp **,
/bin/su - applvis -c *perl -mdlpx_force_autoflush ./ AppsTier*,
/bin/su - applvis -c cat**, /bin/su - applvis -c cat**,
/bin/su - applvis -c mkdir -p */pairsdir*,
/bin/su - applvis -c export PERL5LIB* cd *perl -mdlpx_force_autoflush * AppsTier*,
/bin/su - applvis -c mv *scratch_file* *,
/bin/su - applvis -c pmap -r*,
/bin/su - applvis -c */*.env* patch; */wlserver_10.3/common/bin/ */*
Entries required for provisioning via low privileged user (delphix_os) on source Oracle EBS DB Tier.
Default:delphix_os !requiretty
delphix_os ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/su - oravis -c echo *,
/bin/su - oravis -c rm -f */dlpx_force_autoflush*,
/bin/su - oravis -c cp -f */dlpx_force_autoflush*; chmod 755 */dlpx_force_autoflush*,
/bin/su - oravis -c rm -rf */appsutil/clone/dbts*,
/bin/su - oravis -c export PERL5LIB*perl -mdlpx_force_autoflush */ dbTier*,
/bin/su - oravis -c */rsync*, /bin/su - oravis -c test*mkdir*,
/bin/su - oravis -c test*touch*chmod 750*cat*,
/bin/su - oravis -c */EBS_kill/*,
/bin/su - oravis -c rm -f */test_status.tmp*,
/bin/ps, /bin/su - oravis -c cp **,
/bin/su - oravis -c chmod 755 */dlpx_force_autoflush*
Entries required for provisioning via low privileged user (delphix_os) on source Oracle EBS AppsTier.
Default:delphix_os !requiretty
delphix_os ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/su - applvis -c echo *,
/bin/su - applvis -c rm *.dlpx_run_edition*,
/bin/su - applvis -c rm -f */dlpx_force_autoflush*,
/bin/su - applvis -c cd *echo *dlpx_force_autoflush*,
/bin/su - applvis -c export PATH* export PERL5LIB* cd *perl -mdlpx_force_autoflush ./ AppsTier*,
/bin/su - applvis -c */rsync*, /bin/su - applvis -c test*mkdir*,
/bin/su - applvis -c test*touch*chmod 750*cat*,
/bin/su - applvis -c */EBS_kill/*,
/bin/su - applvis -c rm -f */test_status.tmp*,
/bin/su - applvis -c *.env* sqlplus -s apps*,
/bin/su applvis -c *.env* sqlplus -s apps*,
/bin/su - applvis -c */*.env*echo* status -nopromptmsg*,
/bin/ps, /bin/su - applvis -c cp **,
/bin/su - applvis -c export PERL5LIB* cd *perl -mdlpx_force_autoflush */ AppsTier*
Sudoers entry for Solaris
Entries required for provisioning via low privileged user (delphix_os) on source Oracle EBS DB Tier.
Defaults:delphix_os !requiretty
delphix_os ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/su - oravis -c echo *, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c rm -f */dlpx_force_autoflush*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c cp -f */dlpx_force_autoflush*; chmod 755 */dlpx_force_autoflush*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c rm -rf */appsutil/clone/dbts*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c export PERL5LIB*perl -mdlpx_force_autoflush */ dbTier*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */rsync*, /usr/bin/su - oravis -c test*mkdir*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c test*touch*chmod 750*cat*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */EBS_kill/*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c rm -f */test_status.tmp*, /bin/ps, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c cp **, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c chmod 755 */dlpx_force_autoflush*
Entries required for provisioning via low privileged user (delphix_os) on source Oracle EBS AppsTier.
Defaults:delphix_os !requiretty
delphix_os ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c echo *, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c rm *.dlpx_run_edition*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c rm -f */dlpx_force_autoflush*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c cd *echo *dlpx_force_autoflush*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c export PATH* export PERL5LIB* cd *perl -mdlpx_force_autoflush ./ AppsTier*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */rsync*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c test*mkdir*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c test*touch*chmod 750*cat*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */EBS_kill/*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c rm -f */test_status.tmp*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c *.env* sqlplus -s apps*, /usr/bin/su oravis -c *.env* sqlplus -s apps*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */*.env*echo* status -nopromptmsg*, /bin/ps, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c cp **, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c export PERL5LIB* cd *perl -mdlpx_force_autoflush */ AppsTier*
Entries required for provisioning via low privileged user (delphix_os) on target Oracle EBS DB Tier.
Defaults:delphix_os !requiretty
delphix_os ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c /usr/sbin/mount, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c /usr/sbin/umount, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c echo *, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c export *, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c test*mkdir*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c test*touch*chmod 750*cat*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */EBS_kill/*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c rm -f */test_status.tmp*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c cp -f */dlpx_force_autoflush*; chmod 755 */dlpx_force_autoflush*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c rm -f */dlpx_force_autoflush*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */*.env*bin/lsnrctl status*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */*.env*/*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c rm -f */.delphix_adpreclone.lck*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c rm -rf */appsutil/clone/dbts*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c touch */.delphix_adpreclone.lck*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */bin/runInstaller -silent -detachHome*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c export PATH* export PERL5LIB*perl -mdlpx_force_autoflush */ dbtechstack*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c export PERL5LIB*perl -mdlpx_force_autoflush */ dbtechstack*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c cd *; make -f*ioracle*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c cd *; make -f dnfs_off*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c rm -f *bak, /usr/bin/su - oravis -c mv *, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */*.env*sqlplus* as sysdba*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */*.env*perl */appsutil/clone/bin/ dbconfig*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */*.env*perl */appsutil/scripts/*/ database*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c sed*sqlnet.ora*, /usr/bin/su - oravis -c */*.env*sqlplus apps*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */*.env*; make -f *rdbms/lib/ dnfs_off*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */*.env*; ln -s *, /usr/sbin/mount, /usr/sbin/umount, /usr/bin/ps, /usr/bin/mkdir, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c source* -dboraclehome* perl**, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */*.env*perl */appsutil/bin/ -contextfile*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */*.env* mkdir -p*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c chmod 775 *dbs*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c chmod 6751 */bin/oracle*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c cp **, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c chmod 755 */dlpx_force_autoflush*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c umask*touch *source_apps_file.txt, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c mkdir -p*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c cp *pairsfile*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c *perl -mdlpx_force_autoflush */*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c *perl -mdlpx_force_autoflush */ dbtechstack*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c touch */.delphix_adpreclone.lck*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c rm -f */.delphix_adpreclone.lck*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c chmod 755 *hooksUtil*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c set -o *hooksUtil*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c mkdir *hooksUtil*, /usr/bin/mkdir, /usr/bin/rmdir, /usr/sbin/mount, /usr/sbin/umount, /usr/bin/pargs, /usr/bin/ps, /usr/bin/netstat
Entries required for provisioning via low privileged user (delphix_os) on target Oracle EBS AppsTier.
Defaults:delphix_os !requiretty
delphix_os ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c echo *, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c rm *.dlpx_run_edition*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c rm -f *dlpx_force_autoflush*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c cd *echo *dlpx_force_autoflush*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c export PATH* export PERL5LIB* cd *perl -mdlpx_force_autoflush ./ AppsTier*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */rsync*, /usr/bin/su - oravis -c test*mkdir*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c test*touch*chmod 750*cat*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */EBS_kill/*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c rm -f */test_status.tmp*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */*.env* sqlplus -s *apps*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */*.env* cd **, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c export PATH* export PERL5LIB* cd *perl -mdlpx_force_autoflush ./ AppsTier*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c *perl -mdlpx_force_autoflush */ addnode contextfile*pairsfile*outfile*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c **, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c **, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c **, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */*.env* cd *perl -mdlpx_force_autoflush ./*contextfile*action*updateAdminPassword*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */bin/runInstaller -silent -detachHome*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c rm -rf */inst/apps/*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c rm -rf *FMW_Home*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c rm -rf *fs*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c find*exec rm -rf *, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c cp */inst/apps/*appl/admin* */inst/apps/*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */*EBSapps.env*perl */patch/115/bin/*contextfile*configoption*oacore*oafm*forms*formsc4ws*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c rsync -aH --delete --ignore-errors */EBSapps/ */EBSapps/*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c rm */serviceStartfile.tmp*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c rm -rf */change_apps_password*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c mkdir -p */change_apps_password*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */*.env* run; cd */change_apps_password*/fnd/12.0.0/bin/FNDCPASS*apps*system*SYSTEM APPLSYS*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */*.env* sqlplus *apps*, /usr/bin/su - oravis -c */*.env* rm -f */*cat */*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */*.env*/*, /usr/bin/su - oravis -c */*.env* rm -f */*cat**, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */*.env* run; */wlserver_10.3/common/bin/ */*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */*.env*; */wlserver_10.3/common/bin/ */*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c *lsof*, /usr/bin/su - oravis -c *sed *, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */*.env*;* status*, /usr/sbin/mount, /usr/sbin/umount, /usr/bin/ps, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c find*, /usr/bin/su - oravis -c cp **, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c *perl -mdlpx_force_autoflush ./ AppsTier*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c cat**, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c cat**, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c mkdir -p */pairsdir*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c export PERL5LIB* cd *perl -mdlpx_force_autoflush * AppsTier*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c mv *scratch_file* *, /usr/bin/su - oravis -c pmap -r*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */*.env* patch; */wlserver_10.3/common/bin/ */*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c */*.env* run; */ status*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c set -o pipefail; cat*tee */.*_pairs.txt*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c chmod 755 */.*_pairs.txt*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c *perl -mdlpx_force_autoflush */*AppsTier*, /usr/bin/su
- oravis -c /usr/bin/netstat -an *, /usr/bin/mkdir, /usr/bin/rmdir, /usr/sbin/mount, /usr/sbin/umount, /usr/bin/pargs, /usr/bin/ps, /usr/bin/netstat