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Requirements for SAP HANA staging or target environments

The staging/target environments are hosts used by the Delphix Continuous Data Engine to ingest the source database and then provision the virtual databases (VDBs).

The Delphix Continuous Data Engine connects to the staging and target environments via SSH to perform operations, such as the following:  

  1. Mount and unmount directories for linking and provisioning operations. The mount and unmount likely require additional privileges to be granted during installation and configuration. 

  1. Create and remove directories for linking and provisioning operations. 

  1. Run a variety of commands requested by the SAP HANA connector. 

To minimize infrastructure management, the staging environment may be re-used as a target environment once ingestion is completed. Or, to keep infrastructure cleanly separated by purpose, the user can use different hosts with SAP HANA installations as staging or target environments. 

Environments must adhere to the configuration defined in the Minimum Staging and Target environment requirements and the Sudo privileges for the environment's operating system (OS) user sections.

Minimum staging and target environment configuration requirements 

Follow these requirements to ensure that your environment hosts are configured accordingly:  

Staging/Target environment requirements 


Environment compatibility check 

 The operating system and architecture of the staging and target environment must match the source environment.  

It is required that the source, staging, and target environments have matching operating system versions and hardware configurations. Differing configurations may lead to errors. 


SAP HANA compatibility check 

The SAP HANA installed on the staging and target environment must match the source environment. 

It is required that the source, staging, and target environments have matching SAP HANA installation versions. Differing configurations may lead to errors. 

Network Connectivity Requirements 


The Delphix Continuous Data Engine, staging, and target environments must follow the network requirements & TCP connectivity to and from the source mentioned in General Network & Connectivity Requirements  


Staging and target Environment Users (Operating System Users) 

Refer to Sudo privileges for the environment users 

Available Delphix Toolkit Paths on the staging and target environments  


The Toolkit Path, specified in the Environment creation UI page, is the working directory for the Delphix Toolkit.  Files will be deposited into this path by the Delphix CD Engine during Environment Discovery operation which includes SAP HANA connector support files (for example, /var/tmp) and the connector logs.  

This path must have the following properties: 

  1. Writable by the operating system user mentioned above. 

  1. Have at least 1.5 GB of available storage. 

Database level requirement 

The SAP HANA instance on the target environment should have empty ports to host the tenant database services. The default port number range for the tenant databases is 3<instance>40—3<instance>99 where <instance> refers to the SAP HANA’s instance number. See below for an example.

The maximum number of tenant databases that can be created per instance is 20. However, you can increase this by reserving the port numbers of further instances. You do this by configuring the property [multidb] reserved_instance_numbers in the global.ini file. The default value of this property is 0. If you change the value to 1, the port numbers of one further instance are available (for example, 30040—30199 if the first instance is 00). If you change it to 2, the port numbers of two further instances are available (for example, 30040—30299 if the first instance is 00). And so on. 

Required utilities and tools 

The netstat or ss utility must be installed on the staging and target environment. 

The SAP HANA connector checks the status of the running SAP HANA instance and validates if ports are available on the staging/target environment using the netstat or ss utility. 

Confirm if netstat or ss utility is installed with the following command: 

which netstat 
which ss

(Optional) Hostname and IP may need to be set in the /etc/hosts file to point to the correct IP address. 

The output of the “hostname -f“ command should return the hostname as available to the hana instance on the staging/target host.. 

For example: 

[root@source ~]# hostname -f 

SAP HANA Instance should be installed 

  1. SAP HANA instance should be already present in the environment. 

  1. The environment user must be able to execute the <hana bin>/hana --version command.

Tuning (Optional)
Optimize the connectivity between the hosts, Continuous Data, and data sources.

Follow the directions here for your host’s Operating System.

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