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Accessing the Continuous Data Engine

Default users

After installation, the Delphix Continuous Data Engine will have two users; admin and sysadmin. Email address is a mandatory input for both the accounts. The user can create multiple sysadmin, admin users and other users with more restricted privileges. For more information, refer to the Managing System Administrators section.

The below table lists the privileges of both admin and sysadmin users.


Initial password

Abilities and duties



  • System administration duties such as:

    • Modifying NTP, SNMP, SMTP settings

    • Managing storage

    • Downloading support logs for Delphix Continuous Data Engine

    • Performing upgrades and patches

  • Launching the initial Server Setup configuration application

  • Accessing Command Line Interface (CLI)



  • Managing data objects, all collectively referred to as the Delphix Continuous Data Engine:

    • dSources

    • Virtual databases (VDBs)

    • Users

    • Groups

    • Related policies and resources

  • Managing the Delphix Continuous Data Engine using either the browser-based Engine Admin application or the Command Line Interface (CLI).

Access methods

The three main interfaces to the Delphix Continuous Data Engine includes: 

  • Web browser (http or https)

  • Command Line Interface (CLI) through SSH

  • Delphix Web APIs

Accessing the Delphix Continuous Data Engine using a web browser

To access Delphix Continuous Data Engine administrator and the Delphix Management application, use http://<engine IP or hostname> or https://<engine IP or hostname>.

In order to use your hostname, your Domain Name System (DNS) administrator must add the hostname and IP Address to your DNS system.

Delphix Management application

By default, the GUI login screen of the Delphix Continuous Data Engine will log you into the Delphix Management application, where the activities such as linking source databases and VDB provisioning takes place. This Delphix Management application contains a link which directs the user to the Delphix Server Setup application. 

Once the user has logged into the Delphix Server Setup application, the user can switch to the Delphix Management application login by clicking Management in the upper-right corner of the Delphix Server Setup screen.

The Delphix Server Setup Graphical User Interface (GUI)

For accessing the Delphix Continuous Data Engine to perform system administrator actions such as adding storage, changing system-level parameters, etc., the user can switch the login screen to the Delphix Server Setup login by clicking Server setup on the default login screen.

If the user is logged into the Delphix Management application, the user can switch to the Delphix Server Setup login screen by clicking the username in the upper-right corner and selecting Setup.

Accessing the Delphix Continuous Data Engine using administrative Command Line Interface (CLI)

Delphix administrative CLI can be used in various scenarios such as:

  • For users who prefer using CLI or automation over a graphical user interface.

  • For users with limited bandwidth connections.

The user can access the Delphix Administrative CLI through a Secure Socket Shell (SSH) session. Similar to GUI, there are separate Administrative CLIs for the Delphix Continuous Data Engine administrator (admin) and Delphix System administrator (sysadmin) roles. The appropriate Administrative CLI will be automatically selected based on the role granted to the user.

Using your SSH client of choice, access the Delphix Continuous Data Engine in a method similar to the following:

ssh <user>@<engine IP or hostname>

Where <user> is a predefined user on the Delphix Continuous Data Engine, and <engine IP> is the IP address of a Delphix Continuous Data Engine.

ssh delphix_admin@dlpxengine1

All Delphix Continuous Data Engine functionality is available via the Administrative CLI. For more information on using the Delphix Administrative CLI, refer to the Command Line Interface Guide section.

Accessing the Delphix Continuous Data Engine using the Delphix web API

Delphix offers a set of RESTful web service APIs with which a user can administer the Delphix Continuous Data Engine. Web API calls allow the user to create powerful, complex automation, often in coordination with other technologies like Jenkins, Puppet, Chef, and Ansible. All Delphix Continuous Data Engine functionality is available via the Web API. For more information refer to Delphix Web Service API Guide section.

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