Adding a Unix environment
This topic describes how to add a new Unix environment.
Login to the Delphix Management application.
Click Manage.
Select Environments.
Click the Plus icon next to Environments.
In the Add Environment dialog, select Unix/Linux.
Select Standalone Host.
Enter the Host IP address.
Enter an optional Name for the environment.
Enter the SSH port. The default value is 22.
Enter a Username for the environment.
Select Login Type.
Password - enter the OS password associated with the user in Step 10, or
Public Key, or
Password Vault - select from an existing Enterprise Password Vault
Note:Using Public Key Authentication
If you want to use public-key authentication for logging into your Unix-based environment, there are two options: use the engine's key pair or provide a key pair for this environment.
To use the engine's key pair:
Select Public Key for the Login Type.
Click View Public Key.
Copy the public key that is displayed, and append it to the end of your
file. If this file does not exist, you will need to create it.Run chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys to allow only the file's owner to read and write to it (make sure the file is owned by the user).
Run chmod 755 ~ to restrict access to the user's home directory so no other user may write to it.
Run chmod 700 ~/.ssh so that others cannot write to it. The ~/.ssh directory cannot be writable by group or other users. Otherwise, authentication will fail.
As an alternative, you can provide a key pair specific for this environment via the API, CLI, or GUI.
For Password Login, click Verify Credentials to test the username and password.
Enter a Toolkit Path. The toolkit directory stores scripts used for Delphix Engine operations. It should have a persistent working directory rather than a temporary one.
Click Submit.
After you create the environment, you can view information about it by doing the following:
Click Manage.
Select Environments.
Select the environment name.