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Adding an Oracle standalone or RAC environment 

This topic describes how to add a new Oracle standalone or Oracle RAC environment. 


  • See the topics Requirements for Oracle hosts and databases.

  • There can be one Oracle unique database name (DB_UNIQUE_NAME) per Delphix Engine. For example, if you provision a VDB with a database unique name "ABC" and later try to add an environment that has a source database that also has a database unique name of "ABC", errors will occur. 


  1. Login to the Delphix management application. 

  2. Click Manage

  3. Select Environments

  4. Click the Actions (...) menu next to Environments and select Add environment. 

  5. In the Host and Server tab, select Unix/Linux

  6. Select Standalone host or Oracle cluster, depending on the type of environment you are adding. 

  7. Click Next

  8. For standalone Oracle environments: Enter the Environment name Enter Host IP address 

  9. For cluster Oracle RAC environments: Enter the Environment name, Enter Cluster home, and Enter Node address 

  10. For NFS Addresses (Optional): Enter one or more comma-separated IP Address/Hostname  

In the case of the Oracle RAC environment, ensure that the NFS Address list includes IP Addresses from all the cluster nodes. NFS address given at the time of environment creation is applied to all the discovered RAC nodes. If some nodes in the cluster need a different IP Address list, users can edit the specific host and update the NFS Address after the environment has been created. 

If specified, Delphix Engine only allows NFS requests (mount, etc) originated    from IP Addresses specified for the host.  

  1. If server authentication for remote host communication or engine to host throughput tests is desired, make sure the appropriate config is set. For more details refer to Configuring Network Security Settings. You will need to create a JKS or PKCS#12 keystore on the remote host with the full CA chain of the DSP key in the keystore. By default, the key will just the signed by the Delphix CA, but you can replace the DSP key if you wish. Refer to KeyStore Settings for more details. 

  2. If client authentication for remote host communication or engine to host throughput tests is also desired, make sure the appropriate config is set. For more details refer to Configuring Network Security Settings You will need to create another JKS or PKCS#12 keystore on the remote host with the desired key pair. Make sure the created keystore has permissions such that it is readable by all environment users. Then, add the full CA chain of the remote host’s key pair to the TrustStore on the engine. For more details, refer to TrustStore Settings 

  3. Enter the SSH port. The default value is 22. 

  4. Select a Login Type: 

    1. Username and Password - enter the OS username and password, or 

    2. Username and Public Key - enter the OS username, or 

    3. Password Vault - select from an existing Enterprise Password Vault 

Using Public Key Authentication 

If you want to use public-key authentication for logging into your Unix-based environment, there are two options: use the engine's key pair or provide a key pair for this environment. 

To use the engine's key pair: 

  • Select Public key for the Login type. 

  • Click View public key

  • Copy the public key that is displayed and append it to the end of your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. If this file does not exist, you will need to create it. 

  • Run chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys to allow only the file's owner to read and write to it (make sure the file is owned by the user). 

  • Run chmod 755 ~ to restrict access to the user's home directory so no other user may write to it. 

  • Run chmod 700 ~/.ssh so that others cannot write to it. The ~/.ssh directory cannot be writable by group or other users. Otherwise, authentication will fail. 

As an alternative, you can provide a key pair specific for this environment via the API or CLI. See Option 2 in this CLI Cookbook article for instructions. 

  1. For Password login, click Verify credentials to test the username and password. 

  2. Enter Toolkit path. The toolkit directory stores scripts used for Delphix Engine operations and should have a persistent working directory rather than a temporary one. The toolkit directory will have a separate subdirectory for each database instance and must have 0770 permissions. At least 1.6 GB of storage is needed at the time of setting up the environment and at least 500MB of free space is required to allow refreshes and maintenance of the toolkit, especially during upgrades. 

  3. To provide your own Oracle Java select the Provide my own JDK checkbox and click Next

  4. In the Java Development Kit tab, enter the absolute path to your Oracle JDK and click Next. For more information, see OpenJDK on Delphix Engine. Adding an Oracle single instance or RAC environment Procedure 

  5. Click Submit


After you create the environment, you can view information about it: 

  1. Click Manage

  2. Select Environments

  3. Select the environment name

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