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CLI cookbook: enabling Oracle validated sync

Prerequisite - designating a staging host

In order to validate an Oracle dSource snapshot for syncing, the Delphix Engine requires a host with an Oracle installation that is compatible with the dSource. This machine is known as the staging host. You must explicitly designate which machines you want the Delphix Engine to use as staging hosts. All machines that have been marked as staging sites are added to a pool. During validated sync, the Delphix Engine will select a compatible host from the pool, export the requisite archived redo logs and datafiles, and execute Oracle media recovery on the host. Follow these steps to designate a staging host.

  1. Select the repository you want to designate as staging.

    delphix>/repository/select '/u01/app/ora10205/product/10.2.0/db_1'
  2. Execute the updatecommand.

    delphix repository "'/u01/app/ora10205/product/10.2.0/db_1'">update
  3. Set staging to true.

    delphix repository "'/u01/app/ora10205/product/10.2.0/db_1'" update *>set staging=true
  4. Committhe operation to designate the repository as staging.

    delphix repository "'/u01/app/ora10205/product/10.2.0/db_1'" update *> commit

To configure validated sync for multiple dSources with different Oracle versions, you must designate a compatible staging source for each. If multiple compatible staging sites exist, the Delphix Engine will select one at random.

The validated sync process will consume some resources on the staging host when snapshots are taken. Designating a performance-critical host as a staging host is not recommended.

Procedure - Enabling validated sync

  1. Select the dSource for which you want to enable validated sync.

    delphix>/database/select redsox1
  2. Execute the updatecommand.

    delphix database "redsox1">update
  3. Set preProvisioningEnabled to true.

    delphix database "redsox1" update *>set preProvisioningEnabled=true
  4. Committhe operation to enable validated sync.

    delphix database "redsox1" update *>commit

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