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Managing Oracle specific environment attributes

This topic describes the attributes of Oracle-specific environments such as RAC Cluster Users, Listeners, and RAC configurations. You can manage these settings by the procedure described below. 

  1. Navigate to Manage > Environments

  2. In the Environments panel, click the name of an environment to view its attributes. 

  3. Next to Attributes, click the Pencil icon to edit an attribute.  

    • For Oracle RAC environments select your node then click the Pencil icon. 

Common environment attributes 



Environment users 

The users for that environment. These are the users who have permission to ssh into an environment or access the environment through the Delphix Connector. For more information on the user environment requirements, see the Requirements topics for specific data platforms. 

Host address 

The IP address of the environment host. 

SSH Port 

The SSH port number is used for the environment. 

Login Type 

Select from: 

  • Username and Password 

  • Username and Public Key 

  • Password Vault 

Toolkit Path 

The plugin path for the environment. Delphix uses the Toolkit path (Toolkit is a synonym for Plugin) for logs, mount points, and keeping lib files.  


Any other information you want to add about the environment. 

Oracle environment attributes 



Environment Name (RAC) 

The Environment Name field under Attributes provides the environment host name in cluster environments. This field defaults to the IP address of the host unless you specify another name. 

Cluster Name (RAC) 

The name of the RAC cluster was retrieved during auto-discovery from the Oracle Clusterware Repository (OCR). 

Cluster Home (RAC) 

This is the full pathname of the directory in which the cluster or grid ORACLE_HOME resides, which contains the executables for the Oracle Clusterware. Besides containing the software for the Oracle CRS (Cluster Ready Services), this directory also contains the binaries for Oracle ASM (Automatic Storage Management). 


The version of the RAC cluster was retrieved during auto-discovery from the Oracle Clusterware Repository (OCR). 

Cluster User (RAC) 

The OS user account with read-execute permission to access the ORACLE_HOME for the cluster/grid, as well as the ORACLE_HOME for the database. 


Enabling encryption for NFS traffic of environment. 

Host Address (RAC) 

Public IP hostname or IP address for the specific node (or host) within the RAC cluster. 

NFS Address 

In the event that the network link to which “public hostname” of the RAC nodes reside is to be used only for command-and-control traffic (i.e. SSH, JDBC, etc), and not for network-attached storage, then this field is where the comma-separated list of IP addresses for the alternate network dedicated to NFS for network-attached storage. 

Virtual IP (RAC) 

Oracle RAC requires setting up virtual IPs to manage failover. This field informs Delphix which IP addresses to use when a failure is detected. Click the + to add another virtual IP domain and IP address. For more details view Overview of Virtual IP Addresses 


The listener is used to connect incoming client requests to the database. See Adding a Listener to an Oracle Environment for more information. 

Remote Listener 

An Oracle TNS name resolves to an address or address list of Oracle Net remote listeners. This is the Oracle initialization parameter REMOTE_LISTENER, which must be the same on all RAC cluster instances. Click the + to add a remote listener. 


Single Client Access Name is used to allow clients to access cluster databases. 

SCAN Listener 

Listeners used with SCAN to establish client connections to the database instances in the RAC cluster. 

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