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Managing replicated objects

There are two additional tasks required to complete the failover process. The first (if applicable) is to add the SSH key to the replicated engine, and the second task is to enable the objects on the Delphix Engine that received a replica.

SSH keys - custom key pairs

If using custom key pairs, you will not need to add them to the source, staging, and target environments because the public and private keys are already replicated. Proceed to the Enabling replicated objects section for further instructions on how to enable the replicated objects.

SSH keys - engine public key

If using an engine public key you will need to add the key to the source, staging, and target environments. This additional step is required because the replication process does not automatically copy engine public SSH keys to the source, staging, and target environments.

To add the now primary engine's public key:

  1. Click Manage.

  2. Select Environments.

  3. Select any environment.

  4. Under Environment Users, click the edit icon () next to the defined user.

  5. Click View Public Key to display the public key for the Delphix Engine.

  6. Highlight the public key string (starts with “ssh-rsa”) and copy the key to your clipboard (Ctrl+C in Windows).

  7. On each source and target host within your defined environments, paste the engine public key into the environment user's authorized_keys file, which is normally located in the user’s ~/.ssh/ directory.

Enabling replicated objects

When you have copied the engine public key (if applicable), the final stage is to ensure the replication is successful and the configuration of each object is correct. To do this, you must first enable environments, and then you can enable dSources, and VDBs.

Enabling environments

  1. Log in to the Delphix Management application.

  2. Click Manage.

  3. Select Environments.

  4. Select an environment that you want to enable.

  5. From the Actions menu (...) select Enable. This will initiate jobs that will refresh and enable the environment.

  6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 for any additional environments that you want to enable.

Enabling dSources and VDBs

  1. Log in to the Delphix Management application.

  2. Click Manage.

  3. Select Datasets.

  4. Click the dSource or VDB you want to enable.

  5. From the Actions menu (...) select Enable.

  6. Click Enable to confirm.

The failover process is now completed. All objects should now be running off the target Delphix Engine.

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