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V2P with an SAP ASE dSource or VDB


This topic describes the procedure for exporting a virtual database (VDB) to a physical one, also known as V2P. Before performing the V2P operation, you must have created a database on the target instance into which you will load the exported data. It must be sufficiently large, and it must have been created with the for load SAP ASE option.

The Delphix Engine will initiate a load command using the database specified. The V2P operation will overwrite any existing data in this database. After a V2P operation takes place, the target physical database is no longer in FOR LOAD state.


  1. Login to the Delphix Management application.

  2. Select the dSource or VDB you want to export.

  3. Select the snapshot of the dSource or VDB state you want to export.

  4. Click V2P.

  5. Select the target environment. The target environment should have been added to Delphix previously and should meet all target host requirements, see Requirements for SAP ASE Environments and Databases.

  6. Under Installation, select which instance that you want to export to.

  7. Enter the Name of the database on the target instance into which you want to load the exported data.

  8. Select whether or not to Run Recovery After V2P. When this option is set, the Delphix Engine will online the database when the export is done.

  9. Click Next.

  10. Select whether you want to have an email sent to you when the export process completes.

  11. Click Submit.

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