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Delphix self-service data user guide

Welcome to Delphix self-service

Delphix Self-Service grants access to the data that users need, whenever they need it. Once users have been assigned a data container, they can control the data available within it. This means they can refresh to the latest production data, roll bac...

Updated on : 25 May 2023

Delphix self-service data concepts

Understanding Data Sources A data source can be a database, an application, or a set of unstructured files. Delphix administrators configure the Delphix Engine to link to data sources, which pulls in the data of these sources. The Delphix Engine ...

Updated on : 25 May 2023

Delphix self-service user interface

The User Interface is organized within a single web browser page. The screen serves as a data container report and management panel. Data Container Report Panel Data Container Workspace  Data Container Report Panel The Data Container Re...

Updated on : 25 May 2023

Understanding timelines and how to preserve data in a point in time

Understanding Timelines Branch Timeline A branch timeline acts as a dynamic point-in-time interface for user actions within the branch. You can interact with the source data in the active branch by using both the branch timeline and icons along ...

Updated on : 25 May 2023

Data container activities

Getting Started Data containers can be shared between multiple users. In this situation, users should coordinate with their co-owners when performing data operations that could disrupt other users' workflow such as stopping or refreshing the data c...

Updated on : 25 May 2023

Containers with multiple owners

Delphix Self-Service administrators can designate multiple users as owners of a single data container. These users all share access to the same data container which means actions taken by one user will impact all users on the same data container. F...

Updated on : 25 May 2023

Working with bookmarks in a data container

Working with bookmarks is an easy way to share data with other users of any container created from the same template. By sharing with others, you can integrate testing, development, and QA needs. For example, in the past, if you found a bug you woul...

Updated on : 25 May 2023

Understanding Delphix self-service usage

Usage Management Dashboard Overview Data templates are comprised of dSources, virtual databases (VDBs), and vFiles. These data sources are controlled by the standard policies configured in the Management application of the Delphix Engine. As w...

Updated on : 25 May 2023

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