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Adding or removing RAC VDB cluster node after a VDB is provisioned


  • Make sure that all the enabled RAC nodes of the target environment are also accessible from the Delphix engine.
    You must disable any RAC node, that cannot be accessed from the Delphix Management application. Before disabling such a RAC node, make sure that: 

  • All virtual source instances on that node are stopped (from Delphix), if the RAC node is still running or 

  • The RAC node is shut down. 

  • Disable the VDB before you edit the instance configuration. 


After provisioning: 

  1. Click the group containing the VDB. 

  1. Click the VDB

  1. Disable the VDB to make changes to instance configuration. 

  1. Under Configuration > Source click the edit button and edit the following:  

  1. Instance Number for each corresponding instance    

  1. Instance Name  

  1. Check or uncheck the cluster nodes you want for this RAC VDB 

  1. Click the check button to save changes. 

  1. Enable the VDB to apply the instance configuration changes. 

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