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Changing the hostname or the IP address for Oracle source and target environments


For source environments 

  1. Disable the dSource as described in Enabling and Disabling Oracle dSources 

  2. If the Host Address field contains an IP address, edit the IP address. 

  3. If the Host Address field contains a hostname, update your Domain Name Server to associate the new IP address to the hostname. The Delphix Engine will automatically detect the change within a few minutes. 

  4. In the Environments screen of the Delphix Engine, refresh the host. 

  5. Enable the dSource. 

For VDB target environments 

  1. Disable the VDB as described in Enabling and Disabling Oracle VDBs 

  2. If the Host address field contains an IP address, edit the IP address. 

  3. If the Host address field contains a hostname, update your Domain Name Server to associate the new IP address to the hostname. The Delphix Engine will automatically detect the change within a few minutes. 

  4. In the Environments screen of the Delphix Engine, refresh the host. 

  5. Enable the VDB. 

For the Delphix engine 

  1. To stop running your VDB select the red Stop button located on the VDB Configuration tab. 

  2. Disable all dSources as described in Enabling and Disabling Oracle dSources 

  3. You can use either the command-line interface or the Delphix Setup application to change the IP address of the Delphix Engine. 

    1. To use the command-line interface, press F2 and follow the instructions described in Setting Up Network Access to the Delphix Engine 

    2. To use the Delphix Setup application, go to Delphix management > Engine setup in the Delphix Management application, or click Server setup in the Delphix Engine login screen. 

      1. In the Network panel, click Modify

      2. Under DNS services, enter the new IP address. 

      3. Click OK

  4. Refresh all Environments by clicking the Refresh symbol on the Environments screen. 

  5. Enable all dSources as described in Enabling and Disabling Oracle dSources 

  6. To start all VDBs, click the Start button located on the VDB Configuration tab. 

Using custom init.ora or spfile.ora files 

If you are are using custom init.ora or sfpfile.ora files with your Oracle VDBs, you should use the Oracle command-line interface (sqlplus/srvctl) to shut down any active VDBs and copy the parameter files to a backup location. Complete the steps above, then replace the files and re-start the VDB from the Oracle command line to restore your custom settings. See Customizing VDB file mappings for more information about customizing init.ora and other configuration files. 

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