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Once you have deployed Delphix in the infrastructure of your choice, you will need to manage the settings of each Delphix Engine. The configuration section covers everything you need to do and know about Delphix settings and system administration. Each Delphix engine has its own settings, user profiles, policies, and many other configuration parameters. The majority of these are managed per engine, but increasingly will be managed via the Central Managed service. There are also many administrative functions you may need to manage, such as storage and capacity utilization, system monitoring integrations, and Support bundle upload. You may also want to change your engine's configuration, such as adding new storage disks, authentication mechanisms, or network properties.

Registration management

Each Delphix Engine can be registered via our internal system, typically for association with the Delphix Support team. Learn how to ensure up-to-date registration of your Delphix Engines.

User and authentication management

There are various user types and configurations to consider when using Delphix. Learn how to set up users, and manage authentication mechanisms such as Single Sign-on and Kerberos.

Network and DNS management

You may want to manage and configure certain network services, such as DNS, for Delphix. Here we specify general network and connectivity requirements and detail how to test network performance.

Capacity and resource management

Delphix will be responsible for managing many different data sources and data types. Learn storage and quota best practices, as well as the different options to optimally manage capacity.

Monitoring and log management

Using both Delphix and its associated datasets will generate many types of logs. Here, we explain the types of logs that Delphix creates as well as the monitoring tool integrations, such as SNMP and Splunk.

Performance analytics management

Delphix offers various performance analytics tools to help users monitor throughput, latency, and other key metrics. Learn how to leverage these tools and architect your Delphix deployment for optimal performance.

Starting, stopping, and restarting your engine

Occasionally, you may need to reboot or stop your Delphix engine, here, you will find steps to securely and safely restart your engines.

Usage data management

The Delphix User-click Analytics feature is a lightweight method to capture how users interact with Delphix product user interfaces. User-click Analytics may also be disabled via the UI.

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