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Upgrading the Delphix Engine: Overview

Upgrading the Delphix Engine is a multi-step process that requires some preparation. The engine upgrade process will affect the availability of the Delphix Engine administrative interface and virtual datasets during the operation based on the type of upgrade chosen. For large configurations and Full/Apply Now upgrades, it can take one to two hours; Delay the Reboot upgrades are typically complete within 15 to 30 minutes. Please refer to Upgrade Matrix and the version compatibility and support pre-checks callout below before proceeding with an upgrade.

The following sections explain the steps involved in the upgrade process with links to detailed instructions for proceeding through each of them.

Types of upgrade

There are two types of upgrades, which are characterized by the impact they have on VDBs during the operation:

There is no need to reboot unless instructed to receive a specific fix from Delphix.

Upgrade type


Delay the reboot

The user interface, API, and CLI (Command Line Interface) will only be available to the user performing the upgrade. dSources will stop refreshing from production. Policies execution will be delayed until after the upgrade has been completed. Jobs will be canceled (and resumed after upgrade if supported). Access to VDB data will not be affected by this upgrade and can be used normally. 

Apply now

In addition to performing an application upgrade, DelphixOS, the operating system that runs Delphix, will be upgraded and the machine will reboot to the new OS as part of the upgrade process. The Delphix Engine will automatically disable all VDBs and dSources during the upgrade process in order to safely reboot to the new version, and thus you should schedule downtime for your VDB applications.

When SQL Server VDBs are disabled and enabled during an upgrade, both the DB_CHAINING and TRUSTWORTHY database parameters are disabled. If these parameters are used, Delphix recommends a Post Start Hook to set them as desired. For more information, read the Inheritance of Database Properties During SQL Server VDB Operations KB article.

Outline of the upgrade process

Version compatibility and support pre-checks

Please refer to Upgrade Matrix before upgrading to a newer version.

Customers running version 5.3.9 and earlier that are requesting an upgrade to and above, please contact Delphix Support to help coordinate this upgrade.

Upgrading from 6.0.x to 6.0.x includes pre-checks packaged in the upgrade image, contacting Delphix Support for this upgrade is not required (e.g. →

The following is an outline of the steps for upgrading the Delphix Engine:

  1. Upload the upgrade image to the Delphix Engine.

  2. Verify and resolve the system requirements and known defects before starting the upgrade.

  3. Schedule the appropriate downtime.

  4. Start the upgrade and choose the upgrade type.

  5. Address any runtime failures that happen as part of the upgrade.

  6. Verify that the upgrade was completed successfully.

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