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CLI cookbook: Force refresh/rewind a virtual PDB

This topic describes how to force refresh/rewind a virtual pluggable database. To know more about the force option and when to use it refer to Refreshing or rewinding a broken/unusable virtual PDB.



  1. Follow the steps in CLI Cookbook: Refresh a VDB from a specific timepoint or latest to select a Specific or Latest Timepoint for refreshing the virtual pluggable database but do not commit.

  2. Set the force parameter

    delphix database '<virtual_pdb_name>' refresh *> set force=true 
  3. After all the parameters are set (including timeflowPointParameters), initiate the refresh by committing the operation in the CLI:

    delphix database '<virtual_pdb_name>' refresh *> commit

Rewind (Rollback)

  1. Follow the steps in Rolling back or rewinding to a snapshot from a VDB to initiate rewind and set the timeflowPointParameters but do not commit.

  2. Set the force parameter:

    delphix database '<virtual_pdb_name>' rollback *> set force=true 
  3. After all the parameters are set (including timeflowPointParameters), initiate the rewind (rollback) by committing the operation in the CLI:

    delphix database '<virtual_pdb_name>' rollback *> commit
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